SITEMAPS – Learn about sitemaps
Sitemaps! Is it necessary to a website? What are the
sitemaps? How to create the sitemaps? What are the benefits of sitemaps? Is
there any correlation of sitemaps between Onpage and off page? What happens if
a website doesn’t have a sitemap? For all these questions you are at right
place to discover your answers.
sitemaps? How to create the sitemaps? What are the benefits of sitemaps? Is
there any correlation of sitemaps between Onpage and off page? What happens if
a website doesn’t have a sitemap? For all these questions you are at right
place to discover your answers.
What is a
It is a page or document which includes URL of all
the pages in the website. It helps access or crawls all the pages of the
website. All URL’s are hierarchically organized in a well-fashioned manner.
the pages in the website. It helps access or crawls all the pages of the
website. All URL’s are hierarchically organized in a well-fashioned manner.
many sitemaps are there?
many sitemaps are there?
4 types of Sitemaps
1. XML
Google guidelines for XML Sitemaps
Google guidelines for XML Sitemaps
A sitemap can contain only 50,000 URL’s
A sitemap can contain only 50,000 URL’s
Size of file should be less than 50mb
Size of file should be less than 50mb
If sitemaps contain more than 50000 URL, then
break sitemaps into several sitemaps using Sitemap Index File
If sitemaps contain more than 50000 URL, then
break sitemaps into several sitemaps using Sitemap Index File
For example –
For example –
<?xml version=”1.0″
It is obvious that sitemap automatically crawled
or indexed by the Google
It is obvious that sitemap automatically crawled
or indexed by the Google
www or non-www website, sitemap automatically
detected by the Google
www or non-www website, sitemap automatically
detected by the Google
Sitemap must contain – xmlns=
Sitemap must contain – xmlns=
How to create a sitemap manually?
Here is
the example to create manual sitemap!
the example to create manual sitemap!
version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
READ – Do you Know What is ORM?
ROR Sitemaps
ROR Sitemaps
ROR stands for the resources of resources
ROR stands for the resources of resources
ROR information is stored in the feed ror.xml
ROR information is stored in the feed ror.xml
ROR is used to store descriptive information
about website
ROR is used to store descriptive information
about website
Descriptive information includes Price, Pages,
product, currency, availability, kind, etc.
Descriptive information includes Price, Pages,
product, currency, availability, kind, etc.
<resourceOf rdf:resource=”products”/>
HTML Sitemaps
HTML Sitemaps
HTML sitemaps make website user-friendly
HTML sitemaps make website user-friendly
All pages of websites arranged according to
topic through HTLMML page
All pages of websites arranged according to
topic through HTLMML page
HTML sitemaps are generated with the help of
third party tools
HTML sitemaps are generated with the help of
third party tools
URLLIST Sitemaps
URLLIST Sitemaps
It is comfortable for the Yahoo search engine
It is comfortable for the Yahoo search engine
Saved through urllist.txt
Saved through urllist.txt
It is located in the root directory
It is located in the root directory
What is
the format of sitemap?
the format of sitemap?
How to
find whether a website has a sitemap or not?
find whether a website has a sitemap or not?
After home page URL of the website
type – sitemap.xml, sitemap.ror, sitemap.ror, urllist.txt
Why website
need sitemap?
need sitemap?
Sitemaps make crawlers find all website
information in single page.
Sitemaps make crawlers find all website
information in single page.
How frequency of web pages change
How frequency of web pages change
It makes flash and non-html websites searchable
easily by the crawlers
It makes flash and non-html websites searchable
easily by the crawlers
Sitemaps replace the older mechanism to submit
web pages manually through the forum
Sitemaps replace the older mechanism to submit
web pages manually through the forum
Tree of Sitemap
Tree of Sitemap
XML Sitemap
XML Sitemap
Index Sitemap
Index Sitemap
URL Sitemap
URL Sitemap
Sitemaps for Webpages
Sitemaps for Webpages
Sitemaps for Images
Sitemaps for Images
Sitemaps for videos
Sitemaps for videos
HTML Sitemaps
HTML Sitemaps
How to generate Sitemaps? Is there any tool to generate Sitemap?
Here is the sitemap generation tool –
Only 50,000 web pages are discovered by this tool
What about
the website sitemap if have more than 50,000 web pages?
the website sitemap if have more than 50,000 web pages?
Break sitemaps into several sitemaps.
READ – Learn HTML in 1 Hour
Do you know about the requirements for the Video sitemaps?
Here is the following information need for
generating video sitemaps
generating video sitemaps
Required title
Required title
Well versed description
Well versed description
URL of the video play page
URL of the video play page
URL of the thumbnail
URL of the thumbnail
It is necessary to have the raw video URL
It is necessary to have the raw video URL
Video sitemap Tags are as Follows-
Sitemaps are the important part of any website, so use tools to create a sitemap, because sitemaps help to make a website easily searchable by the search engine crawlers. It also improves the better ranking of the website. It is one of the most important Onpage optimization part.