PPC Question:- How much do you guys charge to set up a Campaign for a client?
PPC Answer:- Lots of Answers Available — £2,000 per month or 10% of their monthly media budget (whichever is greater). I wouldn’t just set up a campaign, you need to manage it as well otherwise it will be a flop.
Depends on account and traffic. If it’s a long term work maybe between 300-500 dollars.
Our minimum monthly fee is $1500 and there is a 50% setup fee, so generally $750.
120 € an hour. $350-$500 500 €
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PPC Question:- Why did my impressions suddenly completely drop off?? I can’t find any issues in the settings/billing etc, credit card is working fine, I haven’t gotten any emails or notifications from Google telling me there’s a problem.
PPC Answer:- It depends on the context. What type of campaign, budget, etc. I could possibly find the root cause but you need an audit. Google sometimes does a manual review of random accounts where you stop receiving impressions for a few days with no notification. Try contacting support via live chat and see what they say.
Check that all ads and keywords are approved if you haven’t already
First; Take a deep breathe.
Second: Please list what tasks you did during this time period as that may help to explain the impression drop.
Basically, open the History change log
PPC Question:- Hey folks! Regarding Google Ads retargeting with Audiences, if I have an audience for the first-time visitors for the last 30 days, do they renew automatically every 30 days the new visitors (with an automatically generated audience)? Also, does anyone know how many times my retargeting Ads appear for each client as we don’t want to annoy them?
PPC Answer:- It’s more of a rolling 30 day period. As new users visit each day, the visitors from the first day in the period will fall out of the audience unless they had re-visited the site at some point.
As for the number of times the same visitor will see your remarketing ad, this is called frequency. https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6034106?hl=en
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PPC Question:- Looking to hire Google Ads pro to do a 1 hour audit of my account on call
PPC Answer:- When we do audits in my agency, it’s usually a significant undertaking, and it takes about 20+ hours to review the data, see how numbers fluctuated over rhw past year, see the competitive landscape, and then condense all that in a 10-15 pages report. Then at least an hour on a call to go over the diagnostic part, followed by a prescriptive part. The client then has clear packaged action sets they can take to their team, or let us do the work.
I can help you with e-commerce. It’s not 20 hours if you know your stuff, it’s a quick fire look at the basics.
You’d be amazed how many accounts have obvious bad set ups that are obvious at a glance. Looked at one just this week which had only one ad set, in one account, and on broad keywords.
If you are looking at google shopping it will be a forced change in bidding strategy.
If search, will be forced change to using broad and wasted money on bad search terms, which are then hidden at keyword search level.
Google have a clear business directive to make money, and shareholder targets are increased profits. They can only hit that by forcing bidding wars and increased cpc, or worse,
Push everyone to let them control the bidding when they are the ones who gain financially.
Everything the last few years has been to move all accounts to a bidding strategy where they control the bidding,
Google Ads
PPC Frequently asked questions and answers
PPC Question:- I am running ads for a client in a highly competitive industry (Removalist). What tool I can use to find competitors ad spent and average CPC. I get good impression in the early periods of the day later nowhere to be seen, later time of the day. However, I could see some competitors are all up there pretty much whole day. Very curious to know their monthly ad spent and cpc.
PPC Answer:- There is no such tool that can give you the clear image about your competitor’s ad spend and CPC. You can look into your auction insights and your own CPC but that very-very hazy data, do make changes accordingly.
PPC Question:- I have a serious issue I can’t even get Google on the phone to help me with. I have 3 clients somehow attached to the same billing profile. When I change the cc info for one, it changes for all. I’m having a mini breakdown, can anyone offer any advice?
PPC Answer:- Google now ties the CC info with your billing profile/email and not with the AdWords account. So when you change the billing details, you are actually not changing them in the account but you are changing them for your billing profile.
Try adding another billing profile/user.
I assume you made all these accounts and added billing from your email.
When we make Google Ads accounts for clients, we usually add them as admin and ask them to add billing from their email.
PPC Question:- Data Driven Attribution. Let’s discuss. Whose moved over to it and what do you think?
I find it interesting that I never heard of this until pretty recently. Not even any of my reps brought it up in strategy calls and now we are being forced to switch over to it on some accounts.
With that said, the advanced in Google’s AI over the last few years, I feel pretty confident in making the switch.
When did this actually roll out, I missed it somehow. Would love to hear your thoughts.
PPC Answer:- We import our lead conversions, and in comparing the last touch model to the DDA model, there’s almost no change over 30 days. Likely will be different for those running conversion pixels. You need to be using the pixel or pushing conversions server side, and lead gen tends to have fewer touches anyway
Another way for Google to slowly push its black box approach onto advertisers and make more money.
I’ve compared DDA against other attribution models for my accounts and we’ve seen no change. And it’s these same accounts that Google wants to migrate over to on Aug 24th.
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PPC Question:- What are your Google Ads techniques to improve leads while keeping CPA low when using Target CPA?
PPC Answer:- You need to move away from target CPA to target ROAS. Pass the lead value as the conversion value. Use some service to predict the lead value like pyxl . ai or madkudu.
PPC Question:- We just migrated the store over to Shopify. It’s only been 6 hours but I couldn’t be happier. My only concern is, when I look at conversions in analytics it say the source is [not set].
PPC Answer:- You have to setup conversion again on Store Level.
PPC Question:- I’m having trouble with duplicate orders, so I thought I’d add a Tracking page (with automatic redirection) between the Checkout and the Thank You page.
It would look like this: Checkout – Tracking page (with Google Ads tag) – Thank you
My question is, does the Google Ads tag trigger if the tracking page only loads for a moment and redirects to the thank you page? Or should I delay the redirect to 1 second?
PPC Answer:- If the tracking script is loading before redirect then it is OK…… if not then delay redirect.
I suggest to implement via tag manager and make it change in trigger…. select one per session or one per visit. This will remove duplicate
PPC Question:- How did we track the lead through the forms, how did we estimate the lead value, how we reported the conversion back to Google, etc.
PPC Answer:- KPI percentage improvements are probably the most compelling detail in a case study designed to generate new business.
PPC Question:- If one account has set a daily budget of 100$ but then adjusts the bid for Mobile phones by 50% Is it.
PPC Answer:- Only your mobile bids will be 50% higher. Your budget will stay the same.
You’re telling Google that you will pay 50% more per click from mobile devices, not per day. No effect on daily budget.
No change to daily budget it only in increases your bids so to up cpc will be higher.
PPC Question:- If you’re running ads for a service based company that does multiple services, how do you structure the campaign and why?
Do you set a separate campaign for each service and use a shared budget and portfolio strategy, or do you use one campaign and separate them into ad groups?
What’s better?
PPC Answer:- Depends on their budget
Campaigns for each service
Theoretically both are correct, it depends on what you want. Doing only one campaign with many ad groups, for example, can have the effect of google preferring the group ad which perform better (i.e. the most seeked service).
That can be good, if your client don’t have any preference of service. But that may not be totally desired, because sometimes your client prefer to do service X rather than Y because he profits more on X, or because X requires less effort, etc
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PPC Question:- Does anyone know of a solution for running affiliate links as the final url in Google? I’m running a 3rd party affiliate offer and currently have the links in a lander which is creating too many additional steps for users and hurting the conversion rate.
PPC Answer:- Yes, you put it into the tracking template, and the actual offer lander goes into the final URL
PPC Question:- Google Ads – text ads disappearing? In the local home services industry such as house cleaning, gutter cleaning, window washing it seems like Google is “doing away” with the traditional “text ads”. Interesting timing since they have pushed so hard and now require RSA ads. All I am really seeing are the Google Local Service ads at the top of the results and occasionally a “text” ad much lower (typically the bottom of the page). And I’m talking about with settings of just search…not search partners or display. Anyone else noticing this trend/new development? And I’m talking on very high search query keywords on broad match.
PPC Answer:- As of June 30, 2022, Google will no longer allow users to create or edit expanded text ads.