1996. Its main aim is to save, edit, annotate the web documents for
future use. The social bookmarking is now a famous SEO off page or link
building techniques. The Famous social bookmarking website “DELECIOUS
(Launched in 2003). The DELECIOUS founded the famous terms – “Social
bookmarking” and “Tagging”.
What are the benefits of social bookmarking from SEO point of view?
1. The social bookmarking websites offer Do-Follow back links
2. A strong social bookmarking web profile means direct traffic to your website
It is the best destination to earn quality pure white hat SEO back
links. The SB improves your keyword ranking in search engines.
4. Build your strong community using social bookmarks websites
5. Easy to discover your favorite websites and easy to save your favorite websites.
How to get the best profit from the social bookmarking websites?
If you are doing bookmarking on many websites, keep in mind to write
and post unique description. Informative and Unique content for each
single social bookmarking websites. Please don’t post same content in
all the social bookmarking descriptions. If you are doing 5 social book
marks, then write 5 unique content.
2. The title of every social bookmarking is different and unique.
3. Apply unique tags or what user generally searches.
Keep voting to other submitted bookmarks. write some comments on other
bookmarks. This makes you to have a strong profile at the social
bookmark website.
Here you can find the Social Bookmarking Sites | Websites
UPDATED March 2018
http://public.sitejot.com/ |
http://1look4.com/ |
http://social.wikitechguru.com/ |
http://www.yoomark.com/ |
http://www.trepup.com/ |
https://windowly.com/ |
http://www.bookmarkbay.com/ |
http://registertovotetoday.com/ |
http://www.emolinks.com/ |
http://www.folkd.com/ |
https://www.reddit.com/ |
tutpub.com/ |
http://onlineproducttesting.com/ |
http://24monitor.net/ |
http://gardicanin.net/ |
http://digg.wikitechguru.com/ |
http://moretreat.com/ |
http://mootin.com/ |
http://www.clickone.co.in/ |
http://www.akonter.com/ |
http://www.webseoexpertservices.com/ |
http://independencescience.co/ |
http://www.bookmarkson.com/ |
http://www.braniewo.net/ |
http://www.tefwin.com/ |
http://www.savemylike.com/ |
http://bookmarkbook.org/ |
http://eugendorf.net/ |
http://linkarena.com/ |
http://techspy.com/ |
http://updatesee.com/ |
http://www.ezyspot.com/ |
http://gfuh.com/ |
http://www.iesa.co/ |
http://www.linkagogo.com/ |
https://slashdot.org/ |
www.blogbookmark.com/ |
http://www.stumbleupon.com/ |
http://www.mysitevote.com/ |
http://www.scoop.it/ |
http://cloudytags.com/ |
http://public.bookmax.net/ |
http://www.gozoof.com/ |
http://www.newsmeback.com/ |
http://www.pusha.se/ |
http://tatvanstories.com/ |
http://www.socialbookmarkingeasy.com/ |
http://lymelightwebs.net/s |
http://dupioneer.com/ |
http://pages.rediff.com/ |
http://sitemarks.in/ |
http://www.spotrank.fr/ |
http://ttlink.com/ |
http://www.bookmarkingbase.com/ |
http://www.blogrollcenter.com/ |
http://www.jodohkita.info/ |
http://addthismark.com/ |
http://www.openfaves.com/ |
http://zordis.com/ |
http://www.blurpalicious.com/ |
http://todays1051.net/ |
http://www.xmarks.com/ |
http://ideaoverten.co/ |
https://www.windowly.com/ |
http://newsocialbooks.com/ |
http://soup.io/ |
http://www.startaid.com/ |
http://hubpages.com/ |
http://mysitevote.com/ |
http://atlasassistans.net/ |
http://addusastory.com/ |
http://www.webmastershowcase.com.au/ |
http://vtv10.com/ |
https://www.digg.com/ |
https://www.bibsonomy.org/ |
http://www.diigo.com/ |
https://www.buzzfeed.com/ |
https://www.newsvine.com/ |
http://www.yemle.com/ |
http://www.bookmark4you.com/u |
http://www.affiliated-business.com/ |
http://www.postolia.com/ |
http://www.1look4.com/ |
http://www.bookmarktou.com/ |
http://www.socialwebmarks.com/ |
http://www.onlinewebmarks.com/a |
http://www.bookmarkbook.org/ |
http://www.onlinewebmarks.com// |
http://www.thelilyofthevalleys.com/ |
http://www.urlsuggest.com/ |
http://www.twinbookmarks.com/ |
http://www.fark.com/ |
http://www.url.org/ |
https://www.slashdot.org/ |
http://www.newsvine.com/ |
http://www.iloggo.com/ |
https://www.kinja.com/ |
http://www.relevare.net/ |
http://www.vtv10.com/ |
http://www.makingupcodes.com/ |
http://www.worthbookmarking.com/ |
http://www.seo-story.fr/ |
http://www.svbscribe.com/ |
http://www.bestfreeseotools.in/ |
http://www.airpim.biz/ |
http://seo.wikitechguru.com/ |
http://www.seolinkxpress.com/ |
http://www.techytape.com/ |
http://cqses.org/story/ |
http://aixindashi.org/ |
http://www.usefulenglish.net/ |
http://www.london8.net/ |
http://www.jofrati.net/ |
http://www.a1-socialbookmarking.com/ |
http://www.a1resourcemoz.com/ |
http://www.socialbookmarkingshop.com/ |
http://www.bookmarkcreate.com/ |
http://www.kannikar.com/ |
http://www.pearltrees.com/ |
http://www.visitbookmark.com/ |
http://www.tezbookmarking.com/ |
http://www.topseoltd.com/ |
http://www.a2zbookmarks.com/ |
https://www.dzone.com/ |
http://www.coolpot.com/ |
The social bookmarking not only improves your website ranking in the search engines but the social bookmarking offer long time benefits.