Dated - 2015-10
Today In The Morning I Search SEOServices Jaipur In Google.Co.In, What I Found Is Amazing, All New Websites. While For Same Keyword In The Laptop I Get Different Results, What Actually It Means That There Is Something A New Update From The Giant Search Engine Google, Which I Get Answer From Vivid SEO News Sources That The Google Finally Confirms Mobile Friendly Update Live And Is Rolling Out But What Actually It Means To Every Business Developer? Giant Search Engine Focus On The Mobile Business Development Strategy From Which It Is Clear That Mobile Users Are Increasing Every Day Every Second, No Doubt The Giant Google Always Give
Something New To Users In Today’s Competitive Markets. For Search Engine Prospects It Is Good A Bright Future Is Waiting In The Digital Marketing World, Now Every Business Website Must Be Responsive So It Is Easily Explorable With The Mobile Devices. What As Idea And What An Advance Technology In Which We Are Living, That Is Why Mobile Devices Are Really Make This World Happy.
Now What Google’s John Mueller Confirm – “Mobile friendly Google Algorithm is rolling out and live at some data centers, original effect looks after a week”.
Google Officially confirmed the mobile friendly update on April 21st2015. Some webmasters confirmed that there is mobile friendly update; some are unaware about this update.
As time passes, it is expected, more and more webmasters get the clarity about mobile friendly update. At present time some discover this update for hour but next hour the search results changed to the old as seems there is no update, exact conclusion will show after a week.
What is its impact and what its future Usage
Giant search engine show what actually it is and what will provide to compete this world, no doubt its value increases from time to time with such advance algorithm updates, as they give a new clarity to the new advance SEO strategy.
One thing it is clear that your business marketing website must be mobile friendly, now in future more work will carry with mobile SEO strategy in digital marketing.
Even it is difficult to carry laptop and desktop to vivid places, but mobile is easily carried at any place and Internet easily used from anywhere with just single coin of recharge voucher. It means that mobile searches are increasing every day and it is necessary to have mobile friendly business website.
What is the Future of Digital Marketing?
A bright future is waiting in the field of internet marketing, because search engine like Google launch new algorithms with respect to time change make a bright career in this marketing era.
Now think the ASO – Apps Store Optimization is going and the future is of the Mobile SEO optimization, no doubt a bright future in the field of Digital Marketing.
With live of such kind of Google Algorithm, Search Engine Optimization history change a lot and in the upcoming future some more updates we will look as no doubt the future of Internet marketing is bright.
Explore the world of digital marketing technology with vivid search engines and discover a bright career. As you are business owner always go with the mobile friendly responsive website as mobile searches are increases.